Foundation by Erich Czulkowski
Foundation by Erich Czulkowski
Machine assembly and plant relocations for the machine manufacturing industry
Heavy installations in the chemical industry
Foundation of a subsidiary in Düsseldorf
Entry into industrial measurement technology
Foundation of the company Zema Zeitarbeit GmbH & development of the temporary employment sector
Expansion of industrial measurement technology, business partnership with Zeiss IMT GmbH
Development of the outsourcing sector and construction of the first assembly hall at our Dommershausen headquarters
Development of our own vehicle fleet
Acquisition of our first pieces of special equipment, such as pick & carry mobile cranes
Entry into the logistics & transport sector
Expansion of the outsourcing department and construction of the second assembly hall
Expansion of worldwide industrial assembly by the addition of plant relocation work
Since 2010, the company has been managed successfully by the second generation
Expansion of the group of companies by the addition of Fixlevel GmbH
Sale of machine alignment elements
25 years of Erich Czulkowski GmbH
Construction of the third assembly hall
Construction of logistics facilities in Dommershausen
Foundation of a new branch in Ellwangen